Best Time to Photograph Hollands Flowering Tulips in 2020

This blog post is for the traveller who is unsure of the best dates to photograph tulips in Holland.

I wanted to write a post because it can be a confusing situation, knowing when to book a trip to Holland and tie it in with THE SHORT peak blooming time of the tulips.

All too often people book a flight to Holland but they miss the tulips by a week either side. They end up leaving sorely disappointed because the tulips are in bloom for such a small window of time, and they just missed it.

So, we got your back on this situation. Well, at least as much as we can.

As you guessed, the big man in the sky controlling the clouds and the temperature is in control. But we have our eyes on him.

The punchline is:
We are speculating: Start of April until the very end of April 2020 as the best time to photograph Hollands Keukenhof Gardens and the farmers fields in the rest of the countryside. With a week either side as strong possibilities to also still see them at their fullest.

We estimate peak time this year to photograph is from about April 6th until the very start of May.

Keukenhof Gardens is open from March 21st - May 10th 2020, but that doesn’t mean if you go throughout this whole date range that the place will blow your mind and have your view finder all steamy with delight. The reason is because there is a peak few weeks when it’s at it’s best for visiting photographers.

And then there are also the farmers fields throughout the country. These are excellent sites to photograph tulips and in some ways more spectacular than Keukenhof Gardens because they stretch much further and wider.

Our peak estimate dates so far this year in 2020 to photograph both of these places are the month of April from about 6th until the very start of May.

I’ll tell you why:

The whole thing depends on the weather. In particular the weather and temperature during the winter months and the weather and temperature during the spring months.

This year the winter (so far) has been a mild one. That is why we are predicting the slightly earlier time of the start of April. That means they will probably end earlier also. Therefore we say get yourselves and your cameras here some time in the start of April and expect glory times and glory colours for all of that month, and also a bit of May.

There will still be tulips and other flowers around before and after these dates but we are recommending the best possible times to get the most powerful photographs.

A cold winter and springtime can cause a later and slower blooming. And warm weather will cause the tulips to bloom earlier and faster. 

To book a tulip photography tour with us click here

For prices and more info about our tulip tours click here

If you want to discover exactly WHERE are the best places to photograph tulips in Holland then read the next blog post.